HSBC Survivor Bank

Digital campaign for HSBC Bank, helping victims of modern slavery get a bank account without ID or proof of address.

Talk Turkey

A webtool for teenagers to discuss concerns around drugs and alcohol. Client: The Children’s Society  

Starburst lips

StarburstLips icon Grey Worldwide was close to losing the multi-million dollar Starburst account, it all hinged on giving the client an icon. Grey's branding and design arm had been working for months on numerous designs, none of which the client liked. Knowing that I had a design background, I was asked to have a crack at it. Who'd have thought ...

Stella Dry

i-D competitionExpress the word 'Dry' i-D and Stella used to run art & design competitions, I entered two years in a row and was a winner on both occasions. I wrote to Terry Jones at i-D saying, 'You seem to like what I do, so gizza job' - a few months later he did.